Semper Fi
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Request help or give help. Help support Aftermath’s disaster data collection and sharing. Apps are costly to make and to support on an ongoing basis.
This app was created to help people impacted by disasters and emergency events by getting the right resource to the event as quickly, efficiently and cost effectively as possible. Aftermath relies heavily on goodwill, initiative and simply caring for each other. Share information with neighbors, family in other areas, FEMA, aid groups, private business or just someone with a chainsaw just helping out. Groups like the “Cajun Navy” and Veterans Disaster Relief can use initiative to apply resources where needed faster than first responders or when the system gets overwhelmed.
Your input will be visible from the local to international level. The data is available to governments, corporations and non-profits to aid in response, coordination of resources, communication and improved utilization of financial resources.
This app and any service is not a replacement for your local 911 or emergency service.