Don’t Think You Are Properly Insured If things go bad you will be counting on your insurance to help you get back on your feet. If you do not have the right coverage you may be left paying a mortgage or car which has been destroyed. This would likely...
Don’t Wait to Prepare Life needs to continue after a disaster. This means thinking past the disaster to understand how you are going to physically protect the structures and contents but also the information and assets needed to communicate and work. This is a...
Animals Are Special Whether pets, livestock or wildlife, animals have a special place in our hearts. There are so many sad images and stories online, it is just heartbreaking. Caring for animals requires thinking well ahead. When things go bad you have to choose to...
People Helping People This concept is the essences of the Aftermath Data app. When it comes to disasters and emergencies we are all people, humans, and Americans. If there is a silver lining in a disaster it is the good that it brings out of people willing and...
Should I Stay or Should I Go? This is likely the most important decision you will make in a disaster. The life of your family and animals will depend on this decision. Trusting your emergency professionals when they say to evacuate is an important step. There may have...
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